C. Rixar Garcia
+ 34 615 980 000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 34 615 980 000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
email: contacta@taxioviedo.com
Twitter: @ taxioviedo
Foursquare: Taxioviedo September 18, 2010
Foursquare 3.0-TAXI TAXI
Rixar garcia is a taxi driver from Oviedo, Asturias.This week he decided to offer a special offer discount using the opction that give a social network Foursquare.
This is the first time offering a discount with these characteristics using this geolocation application.
@taxioviedo or Rixar garcia began Several months ago, offering the possibility of contracting taxi services for direct message on Twitter and Facebook,
Also for years that he is been offering services to at www.taxioviedo.com
budgets can be requested via email, via voice for free, using Skype: taxioviedo
or by asking directly about the excursions detailed in
comments section on his blog www.taxioviedo.blogspot.com
Rixar accept urgent orders by email and twitter with the same security and speed than with his easy mobil number . 615 980 000
with the Foursquare mobile application customers may find out if @ taxioviedo
this close to them using this tool geolocation,
taxi and hire its 3.0 so getting a discount of 10% in their paths if their
customers are using Foursquare
(Conditions for entitlement to the discount makes it essential to use Foursquare)
They also have the discount if they have made a checkin in Foursquare,
Asturias Airport in exactly the venue taxioviedo.com
located in Asturias Airport
In Rixar offer free WIFI for all occupants,
you can also request to print your boarding pass, and he will lend you his netbook.
Accepts all known forms of payment, payment with credit cards,
even domestic transfer and Paypal accepted,
How curious you can also pay your trip using twitpay.
This is a twitter application that you avoid having to provide your email,
still have to give your twitter Current Rates to formalize paypal payments.
Garcia Rixar twitter pioneered several thousands of followers ...
And the actions carried out on Twitter have made it
cited as a "success story" on many occasions in blogs,
press, radio, television, conferences etc ...
Their services are not limited to making regular runs a taxi within a city, but
offers tourist routes to Asturias, in the rest of Spain and also France and Portugal.
collaborates with the campaign on Twitter @ 2016oviedo
Nominated for Oviedo as European Cultural Capital
And probably surprise us again with a proposal for "bartering" with Volvo
This resource advertising is that you give up a Volvo S60
Rixar exchange and its customers share in the Twitter account @ taxioviedo,
Foursquare in his blog and the driving experience with a Volvo taxi
Rixar C. Garcia is active in a # taxirevolucion
This is a label or "hastag" twitter under which taxi drivers
various parts of the Spanish geography come together to share ideas and innovations.
If you need a taxi for your transportation in Asturias and
elsewhere in Spain looking for your taxi in social networks, like FOURSQUARE
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Para presupuestos de taxi en el Aeropuerto de Asturias o en Oviedo para el aropuerto, E-mail: contacta@taxioviedo.com o llama al 615 980 000